What to expect
Palo Verde National Park:
Located south of Bagaces, Palo Verde is a good place to start because it offers a variety of natural bird habitats, including wetlands, grasslands and a dry forest. This park is remote with over 300 species of tropical birds and alluvial planes from the Tempisque River attracting over 250,000 species of migratory geese, ducks, and other waterfowl. The Rio Tempisque runs through here. During the rainy fall season it floods, creating a broad marsh area that attracts many migrating birds. All that water makes it harder for people to get around, but you’ll see some beautiful birds here, including snowy white herons, roseate spoonbills and green-backed herons. Also look for great egrets, glossy ibis, black-bellied whistling ducks and blue-winged teals. One favorite is the scarlet macaw, who lives in the forest. It’s as colorful as a piñata, with bright red, yellow and blue feathers
• 1.5 hours from Península de Papagayo.
• 2.5 minutes on the place
• Admission Ticket Included.